National Leishmania Epidemiological Study and Research Project in Libya

National Leishmania Epidemiological Study and Research Project in Libya

The objectives:

  • Determine the genetic type of the parasites that cause Leishmania in human and foster families in infested areas.
  • Isolate and identify bacteria types or other disease causes associated with Leishmania that increase the degree of disease.
  • Study the effects of Leishmania on the immune reactions of the infected people.
  • Study the life cycle of these parasites in the laboratory and their interactions with the immune cells by using tissue farms.
  • Store the parasitic isolates causing Leishmania99 after confirming its diagnosis by using it in studies.
  • Survey on vector and foster species in infested areas to provide a possible database.
  • Draw an epidemiological map of the spread of Leishmania disease in Libya and design a database from which to follow-up on it.
  • Design an early warning and registration system for Leishmania.
  • Establish and information bank for parasitic species causing the disease.